Webinar: find out about EThOS
EThOS is the national database for PhD theses, managed by
the British Library. It’s a fantastic resource for researchers, with over
100,000 UK theses freely available to download and use for your own research,
and another 200,000 available to search and scan on demand.
We ran a free webinar (online presentation) about EThOS late
last year, and by popular demand we’re doing another on 13 February at 15.00.
Find out how to search for and download theses, and what to
do if a thesis isn’t available. If you’re a PhD student, find out what will
happen to your thesis once it’s completed. We’ll also explain how EThOS works
with UK universities to support the whole research cycle, making the theses
more visible and available for new researchers to use and build on.
Host: Sara Gould, Development Manager at the British
Library, who manages the EThOS service, and Melissa Byrd, who deals with
marketing for Higher Education.
Register now to attend the webinar